Our top tips for ‘recharging’ over the Summer break

Published: Thursday July 20 2023 by Lauren Fisher

summer break teacher wellbeing

And breathe…. You’ve made it through another very rewarding but very demanding school year and the summer break is here! It’s so important that you use some of this time to recharge, which is vital to your physical and mental well-being. We’ve put together some top tips to help you unwind this summer:

Disconnect from Work:

It’s essential that you mentally disconnect from work during the summer break. Remember to switch off those pesky email notifications and set up an auto-response to let everyone know you’re away from the classroom. If you really must deal with any urgent job-related tasks, set certain days and times for working and stick to this plan. This is your chance to fully disconnect and revel in some uninterrupted downtime.

Engage in Mindful Activities:

Mindfulness activities can be incredibly helpful in achieving that much-needed relaxation and can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve focus and the feeling of contentment. There are many ways to practice mindfulness including meditation, deep breathing exercises and yoga.

yoga mindfulness

Explore the Outdoors:

Make the most of the sunny summer weather (hopefully!) by spending more time outside. Walking, hiking or even gardening are great ways to immerse yourself into nature and benefit from much-needed time in the fresh air.

Indulge in Hobbies:

Summer break offers an excellent chance to indulge in your favourite hobbies, whether it’s watching films, reading, playing sports, trying out new recipes, or anything else that brings you joy. Engaging in hobbies will help you to feel a sense of personal accomplishment and boost your mood!

Plan Relaxing Getaways:

If possible, plan a getaway during the summer break to allow yourself a complete change of scenery. Whether it’s a beach holiday abroad, a camping retreat in the mountains or visiting your favourite childhood seaside town, travelling will help your focus to shift, gain new perspectives, and enjoy quality time away from home and work.

camping mountains getaway trip holiday

Prioritise Restful Sleep:

During the summer break, you have the luxury of more available time to establish healthy sleeping patterns. To improve your overall well-being, sufficient rest is vital. Prioritise quality sleep by creating a comfortable sleep environment with your favourite comfy bedding, block out any external noise and remove any distractions.

Connect & Socialise:

Spending time with friends, family, or fellow teaching staff members can provide emotional support that you need to prepare you for the new term, so organise lots of coffee catch-up’s, BBQ’s, or days out to enjoy good company and create lasting memories.

However you choose to spend your summer break, we hope you find it beneficial to recharge, and most of all, enjoyable.

Happy Summer!

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